Don started playing box lacrosse with the Norberry Community Centre in 1992 and progressed to the Sidewinders Ravens programs. Don expanded his lacrosse horizons by playing field lacrosse in the Manitoba High School Lacrosse League ultimately winning the medals at the national level. Jacks also played one year Junior A with the Orangville (Ontario) Northmen, as well as competing internationally.
Don has demonstrated a deep and continuing passion for the Creator's game and the spirituality of it's teachings. He has contributed as player, award-winning coach, respected referee, and provincial administrator and as an instructor and mentor to thousands of youth in dozens of communities across the province. He has competed and contributed to teams winning seven Manitoba provincial box championships, played in numerous national tournaments, coached several high school medalling field teams, competed in field lacrosse at the university level in the US, played Junior A for Orangeville Northmen, won two box lacrosse silver medals internationally and was the first Manitoban to compete at the World Indoor Lacrosse Championship.
Summary of involvement in the game of lacrosse:
Box: o 1992-2020 Played box lacrosse 28 years o 1999- Manitoba Provincial Champions Sidewinders o 2004- Played Junior A for Orangeville Northmen o 2014-2015- Competed internationally with the Green Gaels at Ales Hrebesky Memorial in Czech Republic (Won silver Medal in both 2014 and 2015). o Provincial Senior Champions Ravens - 6 times. (Ravens are tied for the most wins by any Manitoba senior team). o 2015- Competed internationally with Team Germany in European Nations Cup in Dresden, Germany o 2015 Competed internationally with Team Germany at World Indoor Lacrosse Championship, Onondaga and Syracuse NY (2015). o Competed at Canada Day Classic, Rocky Mountain Classic (named to All-Star Team), Founder's Cup (3 years), President's Cup (one year), Alcan Cup (2 years)
Field: o Played 11 years o Senior Men's Nationals Victory Cup, (2012, Silver Medal) o MB High School Provincial Field Lacrosse - named to All-Star Team two years o First Nation's Cup, (1998, Bronze Medal) o Senior Men's Team Canada Tryouts, (Calgary, 1999) o NCAA Lacrosse Scholarship - Played internationally for Whittier College, California, (2000)
Coaching: o Community Development Certified (Box and Field) o Competitive Introduction Certified (Box and Field) o Competitive Development in Training Certification o Managing Conflict Certified o Making Headway Certified o Leading Drug Free Sport Certified o Psychology of Performance Certified o Developing Athletic Abilities Certified o Coach Development-learning Facilitator (Level 1) o Making Ethical Decisions Certified o Aboriginal Coaching Module Certified o Assistant Coach, Junior Sidewinders Box Lacrosse (2007) o Organizer, Senior Men's Winter Lacrosse (2008 - 2023) o Assistant Coach, Peewee MB Provincial Team (2010 Gold Medal B Side) o Assistant Coach, Bantam MB Provincial Team (2011 Gold Medal B Side) o Head Coach, U 19 MB Provincial Team (2013) o Head Coach, U 16 North American Indigenous Games (2014 - Bronze Medal) o Head Coach, Glenlawn Collegiate (3 years - City Champions and Provincial Finalists 2015) o Awarded the Sport Manitoba Impact Award for International Coaching (2015) o Organizer Youth1st Fall Ball and Snow Ball (male and female groups, 2017 -2018) o Assistant Coach, Bantam MB Provincial Team (2018 - lost A side bronze game by one goal) o Head Coach, Pequis Wolverines (2018 - 2019)
Officiating: o Level 3 Box Certified (13 years) o Level 3 Field Certified (16 years) o Officiated at U 16/ U 19 Nationals (2003) o Officiated at Peewee/Bantam Nationals (2006) o Shot Clock Official at NLL Demo Game, Winnipeg (2006)
Administration: o Technical Co-ordinator, MB Lacrosse Association (2009 -2010) o Executive Director, MB Lacrosse Association (2010 - 2016) o Director at Large, Red River lacrosse Association (2012) o Organizer, Canadian Lacrosse Association Semi-Annual General Meeting (2013) o Co-Chair, Founders Cup National Championship, Winnipeg (2013) o Co-Chair, Bantam Nationals, Winnipeg (2013) o Founder Youth1st Lacrosse www.youth1st.ca (2017 to present) o Organizer, Annual Canada Day Lax Bash at the Forks (2018 - 2019)
Teaching and Mentoring: o Over 500 lacrosse workshops held in Indigenous communities (2010 - present) o Youtht1st Lacrosse is a partner of the City of Winnipeg Indigenous Accord o University of Manitoba Presentations - the Medicine Game (2017, 2018, 2019) o Canada Day Lax Bash public hands-on demonstrations (2018 -2019) o Elwick lacrosse Academy (2018 -2019) o Assembly for First Nations Chiefs (2019) o Various High School student community group and educators training sessions o Extensive print media, television and radio coverage
Don described his lacrosse journeys: "Lacrosse is about Family, Honor, Pride, and Tradition. . .to work yourself to the core physically mentally, spiritually. . . a gift from the Creator."