Mo has been a significant face and voice in the lives of
Winnipeggers. He was the General Manager of the Red River
Exhibition/ Manisphere for over 30 years. Over that same
period of time Mo was the public address announcer for the
Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Many considered him the dean of
Canadian public address announcers. The City of Winnipeg
chose Renaud to be the director of the celebration of the city's
centennial in 1974.
What is not known about Mo is that he was an avid promoter of
lacrosse in Manitoba. His involvement with the game of lacrosse
started in the mid 1940's as a player for the Border Athletic
Club. After finishing his playing career he became actively
involved with the Manitoba Lacrosse Association in a number
of different roles. His most significant role at the executive
level was directing the publicity and promotion of the game in
Winnipeg. He was responsible for getting the game information
to the city's two daily newspapers, so fans of the game could
read the results in the next day paper.
In 1955 Mo directed a promotional scheme to develop minor
lacrosse in East Kildonan, Elmwood, Isaac Brock, Lord
Roberts, Norquay, Deer Lodge, and St. Boniface. Many of these
areas had lacrosse in the 1940's but the game fell out of favour
and it was felt the game could e revived. The scheme felt it was
important to introduce the game to aboriginal youth, so clinics
were held in a number of residential schools located in and
around Winnipeg. Mo arranged an equipment drive to provide
sticks and equipment for these schools. In 1960, Mo was also
part of a plan to develop a minor field lacrosse program across
the city of Winnipeg. The leagues operated for a few years.
While most of this work was done behind the scenes, Mo was
most visible in the game of lacrosse as a referee. He was referee-
in-chief and a referee through the 1950's. As an experience
and respected official, Mo was assigned to officiate the Senior
League. This proved to be a thankless task at times, as the
newspapers report on Renaud being "slugged" by a disgruntled
coach and "shoved" by 2 players. These incidents did not deter
Moe, as he continued to be ardent promoter of the game and a
protector of the players. In researching candidates for the hall of
fame- Mo was one of the most common names put forward by
the players of the 1950's- an indication of the respect he earned
as an official.